Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sexy 34-year old, 132 lb Annie must admit defeat and concede this round to 22-year old, 121lb Christine as she sits on Annie's upper chest with this nice school girl pin.

Cute 24-year old, 117 lb Jennifer looks defeated as she stares up at her tall and skinny 26-year old, 113 lb opponent Suzanne who appears to have the head lock nearly secured

46-year old, 143 lb mom Barbara's face strains as she bridges, but 43-year old 152 lb Linda works to prepare a reverse cace sit on Barbara

24-year old, 136 lb Terri's head is being crushed by 29-year, 138 lb Sharon as she agonizes about the pressure being placed on her jaw.

42-year old, 127 lb housewife Catherine's head is squeezed between 39-year old, 136 lb housewife Nicole's thick thighs in this reverse head scissors hold as Catherine keeps fighting by squeeze Nicole's ribs.

30-year old, nearly 6-foot tall, 126 lb Mary-Ann fights hard to avoid the 10-count pin as 28-year old, 122 lb blonde Sarah has the cross body pin locked in tight

Sexy 32-year old housewife Heather is hurting as she's caught in a tight head scissors hold by nude rival housewife, 38-year old Amanda in this living room wrestling match

25-year old, 124 lb blonde Cindy can't believe that she's caught in this straddle (school girl) pin against 31-year old, 137 lb Valerie

38-year old, 127 lb mom Karen strains and struggles in vain as her opponent, 28-year old 125 lb Laurie locks in a tight rear naked choke hold